Tuesday, December 25, 2012


 Infinity is a tricky subject. Of course, it can be explained in a few sentences, but that's not really doing the concept justice. Proof of infinity does not exist. It cannot be proven, and it will not be proven. Each one of us is just an extension of the theory, but none of us will ever know if there is something that doesn't end.
 Of course, we can say that math is infinite. But there is no proof of that. How many among us can tell us what comes after quintillion? If the Universe is not ever expanding, as theorized by many scientists, then math cannot be ever expanding. Numbers could possibly have a limit.
 But here's where it gets tricky. This debate, the one that is being brought up right now, could go on forever. Because one cannot prove that infinity doesn't exist, unless we reach an end, and that is unlikely. 
 Just thoughts that were had today. Hopefully they made sense.

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